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Tamara Henson

Silver Empress (Pathos, Volume 2) SIGNED PAPERBACK with SWAG

Silver Empress (Pathos, Volume 2) SIGNED PAPERBACK with SWAG

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The midwife Arcani, a close friend and neighbor to the expecting Rascha, arrived moments after the pregnant woman’s first screams. Arcani carried her basket of child-pulling paraphernalia into the shadowy room, sensing the other woman’s deep fear and panic. Rascha’s pale face contorted as she suffered through another wave of agony, the bulge at her middle rippling with abnormal contractions. Arcani frowned. She pulled the woman’s loose gown up to her ribcage.

“Lights!” she commanded, and the wall globes flickered to life.

Rascha had perfect opal skin that shimmered white with glints of pink and green in the stark lighting — an Azelan racial trait specific to her noble bloodline. Across her distended stomach, dark grey splotches spread in an irregular pattern. Azelans don’t bruise grey. Their crystal blood left glowing marks as bruises until the light in the blood dissipated. She leaned closer. Bright particles within the discoloration caught the light in a different way. They shone like silver. She pressed her lips in a tight line, clearly worried.

“She’s been talking to me,” Rascha said, her voice weak and drained. Arcani turned to the woman, forcing a smile. “She’s learning very quickly! I think she’s not the only one, but…” Rascha’s voice trembled. “But the other doesn’t talk to me.”

“A twin child is a rare blessing, especially one with Power Traits.” Leaning to sit next to her friend, she placed a cool hand on her forehead. “I’m here now. We will do all we can to see both blessings spanked and crying.”

“You’re a treasure, Arcani.” Rascha’s lips trembled. “A treasure, and a godmother, please.” She followed her understated request with a pleading gaze into her friend’s eyes. Rascha’s slack face went tight again as another contraction wracked her slight frame.

“Well, sounds like the treasure is on its way.” Arcani’s wistful smile did little to comfort Rascha. The midwife worked hard to hide her jittery nerves, for once content that Rascha did not possess her bloodline’s signature telepathy. And I pray the pleading in her eyes isn’t another premonition! Arcani stood so she could face away from the younger woman and busied her wringing hands with her tools. Her predictions have been far too accurate of late.

Two young boys ran into the room bearing a large translucent box between them. They stared wide-eyed until the smaller child nudged his brother into offloading the box’s contents. They pulled out crystal bowls, clear bottles with multi-colored liquids and see-through warming blankets, setting them within their midwife-mother’s reach. Not a word spoken, and with a grim face, the midwife laid out her instruments on a low table and filled a bowl with blue antiseptic liquid. She dipped each cutting tool before returning it to its place. She dragged her hip-length red hair into a thick braid. Then she dipped her hands and arms, nearly to the elbow. Her ruby eyes settled on the writhing abdomen, then on her children. They gaped at the silvery stomach, understanding that something wasn’t quite right and not knowing how to help.

“Jacan, will you take your brother back to Father?” Arcani thrust her chin in the direction of Forge Mountain. “I’m sure he needs both of you to help very much right now.”

The smallest boy closed his open mouth and nodded, red spiky hair bobbing in front of his eyes. He turned to his taller brother—who had large hands and feet and a heavy jaw for so young a child— and tugged on his arm. The larger boy allowed Jacan to pull him toward the door, but he continued to stare.

“Please, Arcani. Don’t send them away.” Rascha gasped to regain her composure. Fear tinged her voice.

“Unless…” She gave the boys a sympathetic glance. “Tell me?”

“Boys, wait outside.” Arcani gestured to the boys who stood frozen in the doorway. “I’ll call you back in a moment.”

* * *

“Rashi okay?” the older boy asked in a heavy voice. But he obediently kept walking out the door.

“I don’t know, Fagan. Now, quiet for Momma.” Jacan tilted his head back to catch Fagan’s wandering brown-and-gold-streaked eyes. “Let’s play for a few minutes, over there.”

Jacan followed Fagan to a dip in the front courtyard. Long ago, at least long ago in Jacan’s memory, someone had dug a wide, deep circular pool and lined the edge with sparkling amethyst stones. A slight breeze rippled the surface of the liquid crystal, sending it sloshing against the amethyst stones. The bottom of the pool glowed with the gentle pulse of polished aquamarine. Fagan thrust his thick fingers into the liquid as Jacan stared at the tranquil ripples. Tiny fish flashed away from the boy’s hand, catching the light in a rainbow of flashing gemstone colors. Fagan laughed loudly and dipped his other hand under the surface, trying unsuccessfully to catch the swimmers. Jacan smiled, but the expression held worry in so young a face. Rascha had been with him forever, and with his mother before that. And he knew that babies did not make metallic tummies. Gemflesh tummies, yes. Momma had told him once that all Azelans were gemflesh because they belonged to the Crystal Planet Azela. Not metal-flesh. Metal-flesh is for Gods, his mother told him. For the Golden Seer. For Kameke, she had said.

Jacan trailed his finger along the pool’s surface, sure he had not seen anything as beautiful in all the years of his short life. The aquamarine substrate shined more brightly as he contacted the flowing crystal, filling him with a calm that drowned out the giggling of his brother, the lonely droning of a lesser avian in the distance, and his worry over his friend Rascha. He gazed into the sparkling liquid until the radiance within swirled in his eyes and the golden light climbed through the depths to brush his fingertips. He gasped and fell back, shaking the tingling sensation from his fingers.

“What did you see, Jacan?” Arcani stood just behind him, a picture of serenity.

“I didn’t…” Jacan began, then cut his lie short. Fagan stared at him wide-eyed, mouth agape. Jacan rubbed his trembling hand on his leg. The sharp, electrical feeling did not go away.

“Rascha uses the meditation pool to focus her visions. The light never rises for anyone else unless there is something of importance to pass along.” Arcani knelt before him and reached for his hand.

He relinquished the hand to his mother’s inspection. She flexed his palm and prodded at each fingertip. He dropped his head, supremely embarrassed for the result of his curiosity.

“I saw amethyst eyes, Momma.” His cheeks glowed in a warm blush. “And I fell into them! Forever!”

His mother looked from his hand to his face and back. He thought he saw her smile. He didn’t understand what was funny. He had been scared! “Is that all?”

“And gray eyes, and shining all around.” Then he puffed out his chest. “But I didn’t fall that time! I wasn’t scared at all!”

Arcani let go of his hand and ruffled his spiky red hair.

“You should tell Rascha what you saw. She’d love to know!” She took each of her son’s hands and walked slowly back toward the open door to Rascha’s cottage.

“So, we get to stay?” Jacan asked, adding worry to his confusion.

“Yes, my children,” Arcani said with a sigh. “But this is a unique experience for all of us. It may be even scarier than your vision, Jacan. And,” she began, considering a lie and thinking better of it, “… and giving birth will make Rascha very weak. I’ll need your help very much!”

“Yes, Momma!” the boys cried in unison.

Back inside, Jacan ran into Rascha’s open arms, carefully wrapping his thin arms around her shaking body. She felt hollow in places, and he understood what his mother meant by weak. Fagan wrung his hands and stepped back and forth until Jacan moved out of his way. Fagan leaned his lanky form over the bed and landed a sloppy kiss on Rascha’s forehead. He seemed too afraid of his strength to hold the willowy woman.

“I sent your mother as soon as I felt the power spike in my meditation pool.” Rascha smiled. “It wasn’t too scary, was it?”

“No. But I didn’t mean to, I promise!” Jacan hung his head.

“You haven’t done anything wrong, child.” Her smile faded as she whispered. “I have been neglecting the pool lately, with good reason.” She patted her large belly.

“I saw huge amethyst eyes, and I fell into them and never stopped falling!” Jacan waved his arms, speaking in a rush. He leaned in with a harsh whisper. “And I don’t know why Momma thought it was funny.”

“Fell into her eyes, huh?” Rascha grinned. “Well, you’ll understand someday.” Then to her belly she said, “You hear that, girls? He’s talking about one of you!”

“And then there were gray eyes and lots of brightness…” Jacan blinked in silence. “Wait! Girls? There’s more’n one baby?”

“Looks like.” Then Rascha closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. Jacan caught her flailing hand and she squeezed hard.

Arcani examined her from head to toe after that contraction. “On the next one, we’re going to have to push.”

Rascha nodded and accepted the drink offered by Jacan. He knew that pushing was good and brought out the baby, but Rascha did not seem all that strong to him.
Each time she pushed, she weakened. Jacan could feel it in her voice and the gentle grip she kept on his hand. On through the rest of that day and into the night, the pregnant woman labored, pushing with each contraction.

Fagan was a resilient treasure, fetching everything his momma needed from all over and never seeming to tire. Jacan did all the running and fetching within the house, always returning to his place at Rascha’s side, hand in hand with the woman. He swept her long black hair from her eyes. He adjusted her folded pillow. He caught one too many worried looks from his mother to keep peace in his heart. But in his heart, he knew what Rascha knew. Two babies were on the way, and he was supposed to be happy! His heart thumped with fear and joy and worry.

His mother sent him outside for a break not long before dawn. All the moons shone pale in the night sky, in different degrees of fullness. He scratched his head, pushing back the red spikes obscuring his vision and stared straight up. He breathed deeply of the sweet smells of meadows filled with crystal flowers. He caught a hint of salt from the southern Distral Seas, blowing in from Forge Bay. He sent out a quiet plea, hoping it was heard in time.

“Kameke! Mama said that is your name. Great Golden Seer! I’m… confused,” Jacan admitted. “How can bad happen at the same time as good? How can happy and sad happen at the same time? Why is Rascha so tired? If she’s too weak, she can’t take care of one baby, let alone two! I mean, Momma will help, but… She’s happy that they’re coming, but… but…” Jacan looked down at the ground and sighed. “Please, can you make everyone safe and happy?”

He listened hard for a long moment.

A strangled scream broke his focus. He sprinted back to the house and into the door, narrowly missing Fagan, who rushed out at a dead run.

“Hurry, Fagan! Remember! Delsin, The pre-Arkayn Healer!”

Jacan heard his bellowed acknowledgement. Arcani’s hands and weight pressed fully on Rascha’s bulging stomach. Rascha lay limp on the sheets, her lips quivering, and eyes clamped shut.

Jacan stared in horror as Rascha’s belly bucked under his mother’s weight. This time, Rascha whimpered, too drained to cry out. Jacan grabbed her hand and patted it gently, glancing from his mother to the laboring woman, not knowing what else he could do to help. But the look in Arcani’s eyes told him too much.

“Jacan.” Arcani stood, wiping the sweat from her brow with the back of her arm. “Get Mommy’s cutters. Rascha, you’ll have to hold on. If I have to cut you to get the babies, your skin will be breached. You’re in more chance of slipping across the barrier if you lose consciousness.”

The boy snatched the sanitized kit and laid it out on the bed beside Rascha. Then he took Rascha’s hand again. Her fingers trembled. She squeezed back, drawing Jacan’s eyes to her face. Her faint smile left his heart fluttering with uncertainty. Her internal light flickered and dimmed as her blood lost its strength. Still she smiled at him.

“You’ll fall into her eyes forever,” she whispered. “You’ll watch over them for me?”

“Yes, I will!” cried Jacan. “I’ll help you watch over them. I’ll be right here with you.”

Rascha’s smile widened. She drew a deep, shaky breath and stared at the ceiling. Then she shook her head, blinking away the moisture that gathered in her eyes. She glanced at Arcani, whose hand had frozen over Rascha’s stomach, scalpel at the ready, and her face a mask of realization.

“You saw this?” Arcani worked her jaw in frustration.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“You would have worried over something you couldn’t heal.” Rascha drew a rasping breath. “It’s who you are.”

“But I could have done …” Arcani’s shoulders quaked in rage.

“You have been here for me,” Rascha interrupted. “More than he was. You didn’t disappear on me like their father. And now, you will be here for them.” Her fragile, weak hand spread across her belly.

“My dear friend.” Arcani laid down the scalpel and threw her arms around Rascha’s shoulders. “I’ll teach them everything. I’ll make sure they know how much you love them.”

“Rascha’s going?” Jacan clung to her hand. “Don’t! I want to keep you here!” He held her hand over his heart. “Right here.”

Rascha smiled at him. “And so you will.” Light gathered in her hand and swirled into Jacan’s hands, spreading across his chest. “Right here.” The light sank through his rich tan skin and flooded his heart with emotions he could not understand, with love for children Rascha would not live to raise, with her very essence. Jacan hugged her spirit to him as her hand fell open in his.

Then Delsin arrived, walking stiffly, dragged along by Fagan. Fagan saw the woman lying still. Her eyes held a final smile for both of them before they closed forever. Jacan clung to his crying brother for moments that dragged on for what seemed like hours before his own tears fell, piling on the floor as teardiamonds. Then his mother’s voice, quivering and weak, called to him.
“Jacan, Mommy needs your help.” She bit back the sorrow in her voice. “Get ready.”

Jacan heard three firm slaps. A baby gurgled, then cried strongly into the stark brightness of the room. Jacan pried himself from Fagan’s strong grasp and hurried to his mother’s side, anxious to see the new arrival. The little girl screamed and squirmed in the pre-Arkayn’s hands, still dripping with softly glowing fluid. The umbilical cord lost its glow and fell away from the baby’s belly. Arcani wrapped the child tightly and laid her in young Jacan’s arms.

The baby calmed down, even when Fagan came over to watch her. Jacan stared at the infant. A tuft of black hair lay plastered against her head. Her pale opal skin—just like her mother’s—sparkled as she waved her arms at his face. Her pale pink lips parted for soft cooing. Then she opened her luminous amethyst eyes on him, squinting into the bright light. He saw the eyes from his vision! He saw blurred pictures of palpable darkness and closeness to another presence. The inside of Rascha’s womb. The infant’s memories flooded out, overwhelming Jacan with the resonance of her Power Trait. And a wordless question reached his mind, a longing for someone from whom the child had never been parted: Where is she?

“Rascha?” Jacan swayed gently with the infant. “She’s gone, my little princess.”

The child blinked deliberately, sadness and understanding rising in her eyes. She shook her head. Jacan saw a blurred image of another child curled up next to her: the other. The gray-eyes from Rascha’s meditation pool came back to him.

“I don’t know yet,” Jacan answered.

“One more to go.” The pre-Arkayn’s worried voice drew Jacan’s attention. “But it’s not moving.”

Jacan hurried over to Rascha’s bedside. The man lifted a limp infant from Rascha’s open belly. Using the side of his hand, he scraped off glowing blood and amniotic fluid from the child. Then he cried out in shock, releasing his hold on the still-slippery newborn. Arcani dove forward, snatching the infant from the air, cursing Delsin’s carelessness. When he stared at her in horror, she looked down at the child in her arms.

Beneath the coating of glowing fluid, the baby’s skin appeared incredibly dark. She held the child into the light. Her skin flowed beneath its form like quicksilver, swirling and gleaming. Arcani watched her surprised reflection in the child’s mirror-skin. Then she had the presence of mind to flip the unconscious baby and give her three firm slaps to the backside.

In Jacan’s arms, the other infant wailed in pain, calling out to protest the indignation of such treatment. Jacan startled, nearly dropping the child. But when Arcani turned over the baby again, her little mouth was turned down in a heart-wrenching pout. Her sad eyes whirled in orange, then settled into a smooth gray. Arcani turned to Jacan.

“She says what the other can’t.” A look of confusion spread across Jacan’s face.

“So she does, and quite clearly,” Arcani answered. She wrapped the infant in a blanket and stared at the body of her dead friend. “And this is your legacy, my dear Rascha. To give Azela these little miracles, and one of them a Metallic? I never thought to see such a thing in my life.”

“The silver-skinned and the pale, born while I still walk,” whispered the pre-Arkayn. He wiped his arthritic fingers over and over on his hand towel. “A child born with silver skin? It is not natural, I tell you! How very terrifying. The Arkayn Council must be consulted immediately.”

Arcani caught the threat in his words. She forced her tone under control in response. “No need to fear infants. Right now, Delsin, these are just babies in my care,” Arcani said, the mother-voice rising from within her. “We’ll worry about the Council later. And my best friend needs a proper funeral. Would you please find her husband so we can arrange the honors?”

“O-Of course!” Delsin cried, limping for the door. “If he can be found.” He retrieved a cane from just outside and leaned on it. “How silly I am, gaping like a novice when I’m already in this condition!” He indicated his cane with a disdainful scoff. “Forgive me, Arcani, for my disrespect and carelessness.”

She nodded at him, expressing her sympathy with a cursory glance over his legs and hands. She sensed his hardening joints beyond the smooth surface of his skin. “You haven’t a great deal of time until you go Arkayn.”
He laughed in resignation. “I do savor the little mobility I have left, but serving on the Arkayn Council will be...good. But that final moment — I’ve heard it’s unspeakably rough!”

“Hmph. I prefer a long servitude among the people rather than away from them,” Arcani replied. “Good intentions through actions, then, please.” She dismissed Delsin with a tilt of her chin. “Tonight, we celebrate both the sorrow of death and joy of birth.” Arcani cast a final glance at her friend’s cooling body. She then clamped her mouth shut and forced down her dark feelings, lest the perceptive infants suffer with her. “We’ll gather the supplies later. Come along, boys. And guard your hearts to keep the babies calm.”

Arcani watched Jacan press his lips into a tight line. She had always privately criticized the Arkayn Council for their isolation and distance from the concerns of the common good. But she believed strongly in Kameke, the Golden Seer. She stared down into the entrancing eyes of the baby Jacan carried. Then looked down at the metal-skinned girl in her arms. Metal-flesh is for gods, she had always been told. And gods are meant to rule. The Arkayn Council would probably claim her for that role soon enough. At the same time, they would expect to make a figurehead out of her rather than a rightful heir to power. Deep inside her heart, she buried that knowledge from the boys. But Jacan would be bound to ask at some point. So she distracted him.

“Jacan, you know that Rascha named you?”

The boy nodded.

“That means I get to name her firstborn, too.” Her longsuffering smile barely reached her tired eyes.
She stopped walking along the cobbled path to their home near Forge Mountain and turned to the bundle Jacan carried. “Do you like the name Briescha, little one?”

The amethyst eyes sparkled. The baby smiled. “Good.” Arcani smiled back. “Your mother would have liked it, too, dear baby Briescha. Now for this little sweetheart.”

“Silver?” Jacan asked. “Briescha shows me a picture of shiny silver as a name.”

“Just Silver?” Arcani groaned, teasing little Briescha for her choice of name. “I don’t know. Do you like Silver for now, tiny baby?”

Silver smiled up with wide eyes. Briescha cooed.

“Alright, then. Briescha, Silver, let’s get you home.” Arcani sighed in exhaustion. “You have a lot of living to do, and a lot of love in store.”

Jacan stared into baby Briescha’s amethyst eyes and fell into them. He did not stop falling. He didn’t mind it so much, after all.

About This Series


Tamara Henson's ever-expanding Pathos universe spans space and dimensions beyond the waking world to bring fresh life to mythologies, folklore, and legends, spinning epic original locations and memorable, multi-dimensional characters in rich detail with her playful dialogue and direct writing style.

Join Rowan Jun in his path toward redemption from slave to warrior. Walk the path of Briescha, a born diplomat so dedicated to her sister that she would shatter the cosmos to keep her safe.

Follow Solana into the wilderness as she escapes those who seek to harm her, and follows the voice of the mysterious Taiyo of the Flames.

Let Ariana guide you through her new life in the Mansion in the Mountain, where the mystery of her family is finally revealed, and her true trial begins. 

Tread the path toward life and redemption, where suffering and pain hold the promise of a brighter, more joyful future.

The Pathos Series!

Seek out all these books in the Pathos Series:

The Pathos of Rowan Jun (Pathos, Volume 1)

Silver Empress (Pathos, Volume 2)

Solana: A Pathos Sidetrack (Companion Novella)

Ariana: A Pathos Sidetrack (Companion Novella)

Born into escalating civil unrest on Azela, two sisters stumble down a fated path strewn with planetary upheaval and warped idealism. Briescha's sister—the Silver Empress—will take the throne, but not before the girls effect some much-needed change... change that incurs the wrath of Azela's powerful dissidents. When forced to choose between love and duty, Briescha takes a dangerous leap of faith. 

Comes with:

SIGNED Silver Empress

Large, Full color Postcard Map of Unata (I'll write or draw something on the back!) 

Bookish Stickers

My choice of fancy tasseled Sword Bookmark, Key bookmark, or Feather Bookmark

Maybe other random things I find to share...


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